Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday Foto: Information Overload

I was feeling really stupid for not going out and buying all of the sports dailies after the Fighters became the Pacific League champions, so this afternoon after lunch I stopped by a news stand and spent like 800 yen on sports papers:

Dragonbutts and beer and more,
spread out on my carpet floor.

Top: Chunichi Sports Tokyo, Nikkan Sports
Middle: Tokyo Sports, Sankei Sports
Bottom: Sports Hochi, Sponichi

Several of the papers have these neat layouts of the perfect game with shots of all 27 batters. Most have articles about Norihiro Nakamura. Some feature a lot about the beer-spraying party. Almost all have some sort of Fighters sob story too.

Tokyo Sports is weird. I'm not fully convinced it's actually a sports publication, because it seems more interested in showing players in embarrassing positions during the beer party than it does in talking about the actual series.

I'm really not sure exactly what I'll do with all of these papers once I'm done trying to read them all. Maybe I'll save them for 53 years until the NEXT Chunichi championship.

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